India's Leading Industry 'WALL STREET LANDSCAPER' Welcomes you. SINCE 1989


Callistemon vimialis

Melaleuca viminalis is a large shrub or small tree growing to 10 m (30 ft) tall with hard, fibrous, furrowed bark, a number of trunks and usually pendulous branches. Its leaves are arranged alternately and are 25–138 mm (1–5 in) long, 3–27 mm (0.1–1 in) wide, more or less flat, very narrow elliptical to narrow egg-shaped with the narrower end towards the base and the other end tapering to a sharp point. The flowers are bright red and are arranged in spikes on and around the ends of branches

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Other Details

  • Family :
  • Common Name :
    Weeping bottlebrush or Creek bottlebrush
  • Origin :
    East coast of Australia from Cape York to north-east New South Wales

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