India's Leading Industry 'WALL STREET LANDSCAPER' Welcomes you. SINCE 1989


Albizia lebbeck

It is a tree growing to a height of 18–30 m tall with a trunk 50 cm to 1 m in diameter. The leaves are bipinnate, 7.5–15 cm long, with one to four pairs of pinnae, each pinna with 6–18 leaflets. The flowers are white, with numerous 2.5–3.8 cm long stamens, and very fragrant. The fruit is a pod 15–30 cm long and 2.5-5.0 cm broad, containing six to twelve seeds.

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Other Details

  • Family :
  • Common Name :
    Siris, Indian siris, East Indian walnut, Broome raintree, lebbeck, lebbek tree, frywood, koko and wo
  • Origin :
    Indian subcontinent and Myanmar

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